Noise Consultants
ML Acoustics is a noise consultancy business located in Cornwall.
Some of the services we provide are noise and acoustics advice for Residential Planning Applications and Environmental Statements, Approved Document ‘E’ (2003) advice and post construction testing for Building Regulations and Code for Sustainable Homes (CfSH), Industrial Noise advice in accordance with British Standard 4142:1997, and BREEAM noise and acoustic advice for credits Hea 5 and Pol 5.
All our operatives are members of the Institute of Acoustics
we are UKAS Accredited for Pre Completion Sound Insulation Testing, but we also carry out Noise Assessments for Planning.
Noise at Work Assessments and Sound monitoring for Music Festivals
You can find out more information about UKAS here:
Usually required when introducing a new noise source near to residential receivers. The assessment rates the likelihood of complaints. This could be an assessment for noise sources such as a new factory, air conditioning equipment, kitchen extract systems, plant and machinery.
As an employer you are required to comply with ‘The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005′. This service will assess your employees risk to exposure from noise and provide recommendations to reducing this risk. From a Health and Safety and insurance point of view this assessment is a “must have”. It protects both you and your employees.
Residential Planning and Noise When applying for a new residential scheme your planning application may require an assessment of noise affecting the proposed site. Typically the types of noise sources which could affect your development would be nearby roads, railways or airports. Our report would survey the existing site and recommend mitigation methods to protect future occupiers from external noise and to help your project through the planning process.
We carry out background noise assessments and predictions in line with current guidance and best practice outlined in ESTU-R-97 to help ensure your wind turbine project doesn’t upset the neighbours. And it’s a fact that this type of assessment usually means having monitoring equipment surveying for a least a couple of weeks, so the sooner you get in touch to discuss your project, the better.
01209 699065